The Golden Gai housed Tokyo’s black market during the 1950s, and prostitution during the 1960s. It has been described as “a collection of mismatched, tumbledown bars lining alleyways in a darkened corner of Shinjuku”.  It hearkens back to a distant time when Japan was still recovering from the ravages of World War II. It offers a rare glimpse of Tokyo’s architectural heritage, most of which was consumed by the 1923 earthquake, the fires of war, or twentieth-century economic development.

The Golden Gai houses over 200 bars, some of which lie upstairs, a floor above their intoxicating companions. Some of the structures are only a few feet wide. You will literally rub shoulders with other customers in many establishments – for this reason, the Golden Gai is considered one of the friendliest places to meet people in all Tokyo.

At GGT, one can expect well-structured and playful cocktails with a strong Japanese influence. Small plates and sushi which are available in the dining room and bar. A more intimate experience is at the sushi counter where guests can enjoy a 5-course tasting menu that can be paired with either sake or cocktails. The people are welcoming and friendly so be careful because you might just find your new regular hang.

As in Golden Gai, GGT has some etiquette principles:

  • No smoking

  • No loitering

  • No shouting

  • No alcoholic beverages outside of the bar

  • No taking photographs or videos without permission, especially if these include people’s faces

  • No climbing on the building

We accept foreigners and non-regulars with open arms. No cover. Please come on in and join us.